What is this: what you see here is partially interactive visualization of the algorithm, which simulates "if enough signals in, then one signal out". Simulation starts with preset nodes being active and continues progressively until there's nothing left to change. Randomly placed circles, which present nodes of a graph, can be moved by dragging them and it is possible to rearrange them in a way that no line crosses another. Two more colorful greens indicate that a node has just been activated or that there is some output delay left, light green indicates that a node is about to output a signal. Red color would indicate that a node has had enough input signals for a moment as is now in the cooldown mode, but such appears only with certain kind of initialization of nodes. The source code reveals more details, containing also the method named initTekoneuronit, wherein you could change the initial connections between the nodes. Current version doesn't have touch-support, so moving of the nodes is available only when using a mouse.